Together we develop a treatment plan that is unique to YOU
During an initial consultation and treatment you will describe your symptoms and history.
Your tongue will be examined and your pulse taken to understand what is happening in your body
from a Chinese Medicine perspective. The initial consultation and treatment will usually last
approximately 1.5 to 2 hours from the time you walk in.
Treatments are very relaxing — most patients fall asleep during a treatment.
Follow up treatments generally last about an hour.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have been an integral part of East Asian Medicine (EAM)
for more than 3,000 years. Diagnosis in EAM is based on the movement of Qi, the life force or energy,
of the individual. Qi travels throughout the body along pathways, called meridians, that generally
correspond to our internal organ systems. EAM works with the Qi of one's body to remove blockages
and replenish deficiencies that create pain and other physiological dysfunctions or disorders. While
the Western medical community has not yet identified how EAM works from a biomedical perspective,
both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) support its efficacy.
See also FAQ for Conditions Commonly Treated.
Acupuncture is a system which can influence three areas of health care:
Promotion of health and well-being
Prevention of illness
Treatment of various medical conditions
While acupuncture is often associated with pain control, in the hands of our highly-trained acupuncturists,
it has much broader application. Acupuncture can be effective as the only treatment used, or as the support or
adjunct to other medical and surgical disorders. The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture
in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems including:
Digestive disorders: gastritis and hyperacidity, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.
For a complete list of World Health Organization (WHO) approved uses for acupuncture
see: AAOM. For a complete list of National Institutes of
Health (NIH) approved uses for acupuncture see: NIH.
The number of treatments differs from person to person. For complex, long-standing conditions,
one or two treatments a week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually
fewer visits are required, and for health maintenance, only a few sessions a year may be all that
is necessary.
Usually not. As energy is redirected in the body, internal chemicals and hormones are stimulated and
healing begins to take place. Occasionally the original symptoms may worsen for a few days, or other
general changes in appetite, sleep, bowel or urination patterns, or emotional state may be triggered.
These should not cause concern, as they are simply indications that the acupuncture is starting to work.
It is quite common, especially with the first one or two treatments, to have a sensation of deep relaxation
following the treatment.
People experience acupuncture needling differently. Most feel no pain at all, while some feel only
minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Once the needles are in place, there is no pain felt.
Acupuncture needles are solid, very thin, and made of surgical steel. The point is smooth (not hollow
with cutting edges like a hypodermic needle), and so it does not hurt like getting a shot. Also all
needles are single-use, sterile, and disposable.
Yes. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has determined that "there is sufficient evidence of
acupuncture's value to expand it use into conventional medicine." Many of its mechanisms of action are
well-known and proven. Acupuncture can be given at the same time as other techniques being used, such
as conventional medicine, chiropractic adjustments, or osteopathic manipulations. It is important that
your physician be informed of everything you are doing so that you may get the best results from all
your treatments.
Integra Acupuncture does accept health insurances if your insurance plan has acupuncture coverage.
We can call to your benefits for you or you can call the number on the back of your card to see if
your health insurance covers acupuncture. If your health insurance does not have coverage, we offer
self discount programs. We accept the following insurances:
Acupuncture and herbal therapy have been used for many years in the successful treatment of Bell's
palsy, stroke, and other cases of facial paralysis and loss of sensation. If acupuncture can lift a
drooling mouth or a drooping eyelid on an severely impaired person with serious lack of local circulation
then imagine what it can do for a relatively healthy person with sagging skin and wrinkles. With the
increasing preoccupation over appearance, treatments were adapted for more cosmetic purposes. Cosmetic
acupuncture still relies on the same principles as regular acupuncture. The root issues of hormonal
imbalance, stress, etc. are still addressed. The difference is that points are added to stimulate the
flow of Qi in the face and superficially to the skin. In 1996 it was reported by the International
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture that in a clinical study of 300 patients treated with Facial Acupuncture
significant results were achieved in 90% of cases after one course of treatment. The results included:
increased skin firmness and leveling of wrinkles, the skin becoming more even-toned, improvement of the
tonicity of facial muscles, as well as a general increased look of well-being not just in the face.
Holistic Goes Hi-Tech! Integra Acupuncture Associates offer completely needle free treatments for facial
rejuvenation. Developed according to the principles of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Energy Light Rejuvenation works in harmony with the natural energy systems of the body. ELR's exclusive
combination of Microcurrent and Therapeutic Light and Color (TLC) re-educates facial muscles and addresses
the underlying causes of visible aging. This unique, non-invasive, holistic system takes rejuvenation to
the next level by providing whole body renewal with results that go to a new level.
Youthful, glowing skin and a relaxed, energized body.
Taking Beauty to the Next Level. The Next Level is a Vibrant You. Energy Light RejuvenationTM is the total
solution to achieving optimum beauty. More than a cosmetic procedure, ELR is a revitalization process for
the entire body designed to make you look and feel renewed. Lose that under-eye "baggage". Turn jowls into a
jaw-line! Look rested, radiant and revitalized! And discover the vibrant feeling of inner balance.
No Side Effects
No Pain
No Downtime for Healing
For maximum treatment results, we suggest:
10-20 consecutive treatments (higher numbers required for the elderly, smokers or those with more
pronounced skin problems)
2+ treatments per week
There is no downtime with ELR treatments. Therefore, treatments can be given consecutively to speed results.
Side effects are extremely rare, but in susceptible individuals may occasionally include light headedness
or temporary uncomfortable symptoms due to accelerated discharge of toxins from the tissues or lymph vessels
of the body. When such symptoms occur they are mild and short-lived, and are generally associated with
long-term improvement. Treatment and Maintenance Recommendations:
ELRTM treatments every 4-6 weeks
Energy Light RejuvenationTM is an exercise program for the skin to keep it toned, the texture healthy and
circulation increased
ELRTM treatments are recommended prior to special occasions and events such as weddings, anniversaries,
vacations, holidays, parties, etc.
Consume plenty of water, especially in the days leading up to a ELRTM treatment, as this increases the
conductivity of the microcurrent treatment
Clients in their 20s-30s can benefit from ELR - ELRTM keeps the skin healthy by working on the cellular level
Anyone can benefit from ELRTM treatments. ELRTM is whole body rejuvenation that will bring your beauty to the
next level!
Over the past 8 years, Acupuncturist Dr. Diane Cridennda and Reproductive Endocrinologitst Dr. Paul Magarelli
have conducted and reported their research on the impact of Acupuncture and IVF outcomes. Their research has shown:
Up to 26% higher clinical pregnancies
6% fewer ectopic pregnancies
10% fewer multiple births
The treatment protocol for IVF patients includes a series of 15 treatments, 10 treatments twice a week for 5 weeks
before egg retrieval, 1 treatment right before and right after the transfer, and then 2 treatments post transfer.
Combining acupuncture with your IVF care program, you should expect:
Improved Pregnancy Rates
Reduced miscarriage rates, multiple borths, and ectopic pregnancies
How does Chinese Medicine help improve IVF success rates?
Improves ovarian function
Increases the blood flow to uterus and increases thickness of the uterine lining
Relaxes the patient and decreases anxiety and stress
Helps prevent uterine contractions
Lessens side effects of IVF drugs
Strengthens & regulates immune system
Improves quantity & quality of sperm
Reduces risk of early miscarriage
Positively affects hypothalamicipuitary-ovarian axis, playing a major role in fertility and regulating
menstrual cycles, and may lead to an increased number of follicles.
Additional Support Ohio Reproductive Medicine and Integra Acupuncture have teamed up to bring you the most
successful results. Evidence shows that acupuncture and IVF successfully compliment each other, raising
the success rates substantially. For more information, please call (614) 626-3058.
Whether you are planning to use high tech fertility treatments, or take the more natural approach,
acupuncture can increase your chances of achieving a pregnancy. Acupuncture uses the principles of
Traditional Chinese Medicine for maintaining a balanced system.
Our goal is to allow patients to conceive
By strengthening the patient's health, it allows the inborn ability of conception to take place.
A healthy more balanced body will conceive more naturally.
Many women feel a sense that their "biological
clock" is running out, it stands to reason that pregnancy is more likely to occur in a "healthy" 40 year
old versus an "unhealthy" 40 year old. It will take more than three months to improve the quality of oocytes.
Acupuncture therapy can improve ovarian and follicular function. Additionally, acupuncture can increase blood
flow to the endometrium, helping to facilitate a thick, rich lining. This doesn't mean lost time; it means
giving your body a head start. If you do not conceive naturally and decide to use ART, IVF or IUI;you can rest
assured that the time spent on improving your health will give you the best possible outcome.
Should I wait to
try Traditional Chinese Medicine before using high tech fertility treatments?
Every woman has the inborn
ability to conceive naturally. Traditional Chinese Medicine improves overall health and rejuvenation.
Acupuncture will bring the body back to "health" balancing all organs and systems involved in reproduction.
By allowing this inborn ability to return to its natural state we can restore the body to enable it to carry
out what it is naturally prepared to do, and that is to procreate. Its goal is aimed at creating a healthy person.
Conception and pregnancy is then just a natural event, the way it should be. Most patients are aware of their
'Windows of Opportunity' or hear the term "Biological Clock" and often believe they are running out of time.
In reality, a successful conception and pregnancy relate to thepatient's health more than to the patient's age.
A 40-year-old patient, whose health is restored (including general as well as reproductive health),
stands a better chance of conceiving and maintaining pregnancy than a 30-year-old patient who is in poor
health. When a couple doesn't conceive on their own (or with the help of IVF), it is time to try
something new. Although we can not guarantee that patients leaving our Clinic will conceive they
will be in much better health than before they stared acupuncture. If more aggressive methods are
needed like IVF, IUI's, we can support you through these treatments as well. One thing to remember
is that you are going into the next step a whole lot Healthier after having preconception care. It
is important to ask the four important questions:
Are there eggs?
Is there sperm?
In couples with fertility issues it is a 50%-50% deal (male to female ratio)
If there is not good sperm Traditional Chinese Medicine is very effective to improve sperm.
Can the eggs and sperm meet (are fallopian tubes open)?
Is there a healthy place for the baby to grow?
What can you do to help yourself?
First, the more you can eliminate nicotine, caffeine, drugs and alcohol,
the higher your chances for success. Take natural high potency multivitamins with iron, folic acid, and
B vitamins. Avoid processed foods and meats with high hormone levels as much as possible. Eat soy products
and supplements containing natural phytoestrogens. Exercise moderately, and employ deep breathing techniques.
Become actively aware of your fertility signs.
To achieve pregnany, taking fertility drugs or medically assisted conception
might not be the only way. Some cases do require the use of these methods but
with or without them, acupuncture can help support your body's normal function. We will help you balance the
disharmonies which have been preventing conception. It is very common for couples today to feel like "it is
getting too late". While its true that the average couple waits until later in life to conceive, TCM may help
" turn back the reproductive clock." Please be patient with yourself.
It takes at least three cycles to normalize
a woman's cycle; longer if she has taken fertility drugs, has a history of sexually transmitted disease,
endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or polycystic ovaries. Likewise, it takes 70 days to generate
new sperm in a man. If he has a history of drug and alcohol abuse or urological complications, it may take
longer to regenerate his reproductive capacity.
You are not alone. Approximately one in six to ten couples
experience problems with fertility. Innumerable women grieve the loss of a potential child once a month,
and lose a little more hope with each period. We believe that we can give you reason for optimism.
Acupuncture therapy is gentle, yet effective. Many women do not need fertility drugs and medically
assisted reproductive techniques, yet they go through months of physical and emotional agony, not to
mention the financial burden. TCM will put the tack in the wall with a thumb.It is safe, natural,
cost effective, and has no side effects. In fact, TCM can only make you stronger, while helping create
a healthier environment for a harmonious pregnancy. (TCM will also increase the likelihood of conception
if you do opt for the fertility drugs or medically assisted fertilization techniques.) Recommended readings
for fertility and Chinese Medicine
Fertility and Conception: A Complete Guide to Getting Pregnant: Zita West